The meaning of master numbers

The 11, 22, and 33 are Master numbers not because they have two identical digits, but because those digits are 1, 2, and 3 respectively – creating a Triangle of Enlightenment. All other numbers with identical digits are Power numbers – numbers with a more intense influence that is strongly felt, but not quite the same as Master numbers.

The 11 is the most intuitive of all numbers. It represents illumination; a channel to the subconscious; insight without rational thought; and sensitivity, nervous energy, shyness, and impracticality. It is a dreamer.

Numerology’s Master number 11 has all the aspects of the 2, but is considerably enhanced and charged with charisma, leadership, and inspiration. It is a number with inborn duality, which creates dynamism, inner conflict, and other catalysts with its mere presence. A number that, when not focused on a goal beyond itself, can be turned inward to create fear and phobias.

Master number 22 is potentially the most successful of all numbers in numerology. It is the most powerful of all numbers and often called the Master Builder.

The Master number 22 can turn the most ambitious of dreams into reality, but only when it is supported properly by other numbers in the chart.

The 22 has many of the inspirational insights of the 11, combined with the practicality and methodical nature of the 4, making it unlimited yet disciplined; it sees the archetype and brings it down to earth in a material form. It has big ideas, expansive plans, idealism, leadership, and self-confidence.

The Master number 33 is considered the Master teacher and the most spiritually evolved of all numbers.

The 33 is the most influential of all numbers; it combines the 11 and the 22, boosting their potential to another level.

When expressed to the fullest, the 33 lacks personal ambition and instead focuses its considerable ability on the spiritual uplifting of humanity. What makes the 33 especially impressive, is its high level of sincere devotion.

Vikas Jindal

Jyotish Acharya Vikas Ji can solve all major problems of human life like advising students for higher education, Birth Time Rectification, Problems in Married Life, Chart Matching, Profession and Name correction.

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