Tagged: mars

Mars In Astrology

Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and the second-smallest planet with a thin atmosphere, having the surface features reminiscent both of the impact craters of the Moon, and the valleys, deserts and polar ice caps...

Mars in fifth house

The 5th house involves everything linked to playing, should it be flirting, being involved in physical recreational activities, gaming or even gambling. The red planet placed there influences all types of pleasure and indulgence,...

Mars in Fourth House

When a native has his natal Mars residing in the 4th house, the red planet is strongly connected with his roots, family and early childhood. This natal position can make the native be an...

Mars in Third House

Mars in the 3rd house gives a lot of fighting with siblings, which is mainly frequent in their childhood. The quarreling nature of the red planet has such an effect on neighbors too; it...

Mars in Second House

Mars is one of the most impulsive planets and gets irritated when pressured. The individuals that have their Mars placed in the second house prefer to have their own business and actively create their...

Mars in First House

The first house rules the head and the face, so there is a possibility of having cuts or burns on it that might leave a scar. It is many times easy to distinguish a...