Astro Clips Blog

Can I Have a Birthstone As A Gift ?

Have you ever wondered about the hidden significance behind birthstones? These dazzling gems not only add a touch of elegance to your jewelry collection but are also believed to influence various aspects of your...

Basant Panchmi 2024

Basant Panchmi is celebrated on the fifth day (Panchami Tithi) of the bright fortnight (Shukla Paksha) of the Hindu month Magh. From this day, Vasant Ritu (the spring season) begins in India. Saraswati Puja...

What Is The Purpose Of Asala Dharma Day?

Once upon a time, in a quaint village nestled at the foot of a lush mountain range, there lived a wise and revered monk named Bhikkhu Deva. Bhikkhu Deva was known throughout the land...

Meera And Krishna Eternal Love Story

The love story of Meera and Krishna is an enchanting tale that has captivated hearts for centuries. Meera, a Rajput princess born in the 16th century, and Krishna, the divine avatar of Lord Vishnu,...

Top 5 Gemstones To Find Your True Love

Gemstones have fascinated humanity for centuries, not just for their dazzling beauty but also for their alleged mystical properties. Among the many beliefs associated with gemstones, one intriguing aspect is their connection to matters...

Mercury Combust In Capricorn (part 3)

Also read: Mercury Combust In Capricorn (part 2) Libra For Libra natives, Mercury is the ninth and twelfth house lord and during this time, it gets combust in the fourth house. During the Mercury...