Origin Of Numerology

Numerology is a study, through which attempts are made to know the personality and future of a person by means of numbers. It involves using basic mathematical knowledge, to present basic details of different aspects of a person, ideology, topics of life, etc. Also, Numerology is popular with the term Number Astrology.

Herein Numerology, an Expert Numerologist forecasts the future on the basis of the nine planets Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Uranus, Mercury, Venus, Saturn, and Mars. However, in luring words, it is a mystical companionship of Numbers and the life events of a person.

Origin Of Numerology

If we try to know the history of numerology, its history must have been more than 10,000 years ago. Their roots began to flourish in Egypt, Babylon, and Greece and gained prominence through the works of Pythagoras. Numbers are associated with every aspect of our life. None of our days pass without numbers. The great mathematician of Egypt, Pythagoras, endorsed the fact that “numbers rule the universe” concerning the importance of numerals.

In ancient times, knowledge of numerology was known to Hindus, Greeks, Egyptians, and Chinese. Also, Numerology is an illustrious part of the ancient texts of our country. The explanation by Walter B. Gibson concerning this is like memorizing. Walter explains “Numerology is the practical application of the fundamental principles of mathematics to man’s physical existence (or the evolution of physics)”.

The connection between letters, numbers, zodiac signs, and planets has been established since the time of the Hebrew people and this relationship is the basis of numerology.

Numbers and Astrology

Numerology has prescribed 1 to 9 numbers for each planet. It depends on which planet has an effect on which number and these nine planets have their effect on human life. According to the position of the planets at birth, the personality of that person is determined.

Therefore, the same number has the most effect on the person after birth, which is the master of the person. If a number of a person is matching with another person’s number, then there are chances of a good relationship between the two persons.

In numerology, letters a,b,c,d and numbers are considered. By writing the letters of the person’s name and counting the digits of each letter, Namank is obtained. however, by adding the date of birth, month, and year, Bhagyank is obtained and it is predicted.

Interesting Facts About Numerology

  • The analysis through numerology tells us about life barriers. Also, it provides an option to move towards the right path using number potential.
  • Also, Numerology provides you with a SWOT analysis of life, which includes Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats to your life based on your birth details.
  • In addition, a numerologist can highlight every aspect of your life even your death.
  • Also, you can determine what kind of gambling you might be lucky at, based on your date of birth. You can use numerology to pick a type of gambling that you are more likely to win.

Vikas Jindal

Jyotish Acharya Vikas Ji can solve all major problems of human life like advising students for higher education, Birth Time Rectification, Problems in Married Life, Chart Matching, Profession and Name correction.

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