What is Aura? | Meaning of color of Aura

Have you ever guessed what a friend was thinking before they said the words? Or, immediately bristled with a bad vibe from someone, but couldn’t quite explain why? You’re (probably) not a mind reader—but you are an aura reader. Everywhere we go, we perceive other people’s energy on the auric field.

To put it simply, an aura is a vibrant ray of color composed of energy that flows around living things. Stemming from the Greek word for “breeze,” our auras indicate our moods, emotions, and overall vibe.

Essentially, before we can even exchange hellos, our auras make the first impression for us. But there’s a caveat: The human eye cannot see auras without training. This is why we have to retrain the way we look at things to allow ourselves to see our own outer light.

What does the color of the Aura says?


This shows a well-balanced personality, one that is calm and open to possibilities. White is the rarest of all aura colors.


Gray auras can show skepticism and uncertainty about others. They often see the glass half empty.


A brown aura often denotes a selfish persona.


A black aura can show dark energy which is often pessimistic and unkind.


Passions run high with those who have a red aura, as they live by their desires and emotions.


Creativity is key for those who have an orange aura. Their artistry brings peace to them.


Those with yellow auras are high energy and exude optimism.


Green auras mark a grounded, hard-working person who is a nature lover.


Those with blue auras are emotionally sensitive and are self-expressive.


An indigo aura denotes a wise person with an old soul.


Spiritual awareness and psychic sentiments are marks of a violet aura.

Of course, you may see blended shades of the colors above. The ones listed are the most popular. You can have more than one color present in your enteric field, too. This is called a rainbow aura.

Vikas Jindal

Jyotish Acharya Vikas Ji can solve all major problems of human life like advising students for higher education, Birth Time Rectification, Problems in Married Life, Chart Matching, Profession and Name correction.

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