Saturn in eighth house

People with Saturn in 8th house tend to be patient, economical, and hard working. These individuals are self-made disciplined people, who can sacrifice the short-term happiness to meet their end goals. They don’t mind missing their social life to work more to reach a better financial position. Saturn when posited in 8th house also causes delay and obstructions in matters relating to inheritance, debt, and sexual satisfaction.

This position of Saturn also interferes with one’s health. Whatever illnesses you may face before death, Saturn here makes them chronic and prolonged. Some may begin feeling old at quite an early age. Financial support from others would be low, especially from partner, despite them being adept in handling matters involving money. Retrograde Saturn may also cause difficulties in progeny matters, sometimes impotency too. Nevertheless, such a person is talented, work-efficient, and practical in nature thus benefits in the long run despite occasional obstacles.

Positive Impact:

The natives of Saturn in the 8th house may find it very tough to accept changes in their life. They may find change very stressful as it may fill them with lots of anxiety and worry. They should be aware of this influence. The natives will benefit in life if they have the right attitude towards change. They should be ready for change.

The natives tend to be patient, economical and hard working. They are self-made and disciplined people, who can sacrifice short-term happiness to meet their end goals. They don’t mind missing their social life to work more in order to reach a better financial position. The presence of Saturn in the 8th house may also cause delays and obstacles in matters relating to inheritance, debt and sexual satisfaction.

Negative Impact:

The natives of Saturn in the eighth house should try to focus on the good things that can come from change, instead of always expecting the worst. This way they will lessen their stress and won’t get unduly anxious. The natives of Saturn in the 8th house should come forward and figure out as to how can they address their problems in a better manner. The only way to come out of the immense pressure is by learning not to take things so seriously.

Vikas Jindal

Jyotish Acharya Vikas Ji can solve all major problems of human life like advising students for higher education, Birth Time Rectification, Problems in Married Life, Chart Matching, Profession and Name correction.

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