Neech Bhanga Raj yoga

In astrology, there are signs where planets get debilitated which in Hindi means “neecha” and termed as powerless and when such debility gets annulled by some special planetary alignments then its called as Neechabhanga and when such “neecha bhanga” converts into raja yoga then it is called as “neechabhanga rajyoga”.

Difference Between Neechbhanga and Neecha Bhanga Raj Yoga

For Occurring Neech Bhanga Raj Yoga at least a few of the factors discussed above have to occur. A Raj Yoga is a special case where planets get extra power to uplift the native. So when a planet is with Sign Dispositor or Exalted Planet and aspected by friendly planet and again in Navamsa it becomes strong by exaltation or own sign, It will be capable of Giving Raj Yoga Results. Moreover the planet creating the cancellation should not own, be conjunct or aspected by the rulers of, the 3rd,6th, 8th or 12th houses. Furthermore, the rulers of the houses where the NeechaBhanga is taking place should be well placed and well aspected. If a planet gets Neecha Bhanga by only a single factor, it may reduce its weakness and make it Neutral. But it will not get the extra power which is required to give the result of Neech Bhang Raj Yoga. Please remember, If a Neech Bhanga Raj Yoga Occurs in its true form in a Horoscope it is capable of giving Result more than normal Raj Yoga. Though in the initial period it may give some setbacks but afterwards it will give result like an exalted planet. People Who have Neechabhanga Raaj Yoga in Horoscope generally create rags to riches story by winning as underdog.

The powerful Yoga Neech Bhanga Raj Yoga makes a person more strong after facing hardships in life. It channelizes his/ her energy in the proper direction, helps in achieving success.

This means a person having Neecha Bhanga Raj Yoga have to faces many obstacles and hardships in life, works hard, becomes strong willed after struglling a lot, finally gets proper direction and achieves success.

What is Cancellation of Debilitation

Debilitated planets always play an important role in the horoscope. In general, they are first-rate malefic, even a benefic that is debilitated will harm those planets and houses it joins or aspects (particularly true for rasi aspects). Debilitated planets also indicate the ruin and loss of those things that they rule, including the things they naturally rule, the houses they rule, and anything that falls in their Rasi, Navamsa and nakshatra. But When their Debilitation is canceled they can bestow good result and make the native fortunate during their Dasha. There are certain factors that cancel debilitation. These factors cancel debilitation reducing the ill effects of the debilitated planet to actually increasing the success of the native. This is Known As Neech Bhanga Rajyoga.

Neecha Bhanga Raj Yoga occurs with Vipreet Raj Yoga

A powerful Neecha Bhanga Raj Yoga also occurs along with Vipreet Raj Yoga. This kind of Neecha Bhanga is like a chain which is formed between two or more debilitated planets. Debilitated Sun is placed in Libra and its sign lord Venus is also debilitated in Virgo, both the debilitated planets gain strong Neecha Bhanga and debilitation get canceled for both the planets. If Mercury is debilitated in Pisces, Pisces lord Jupiter is also debilitated in Capricorn, Jupiter and Mercury both gain a powerful Neecha Bhanga Raj Yoga.

Combination of strong Neecha Bhanga Raj Yoga, Vipreet Raj yoga and Parivartan Yoga

Debilitated planet: 6th lord (Mercury) is placed in 12th house (Pisces) and debilitated planet 12th house lord Jupiter is placed in 6th house (Virgo) from Janam Lagna(Aries).

Both the debilitated planets Jupiter and Mercury have mutual aspect, a strong Neecha Bhanga Raj Yoga occurs along with both Vipreet Raj yoga and Parivartan Yoga. This Yoga is extremely powerful.

A strong Neecha Bhanga Raja yoga occurs only if the debilitated planet is not combust, gets the aspect of the beneficial planets in strength or owns preferably a benefic Bhava (house) or occupies a Kendra (quadrant) in a beneficial and friendly sign, otherwise, only the planet’s debility is removed and it gains strength.

Neecha Bhanga Yoga is a very powerful Yoga which occurs even if a native has debilitated planets in his/her astrological chart and produces wonderful results beyond one’s expectation and gives prosperity, wealth, political power, name and fame during the periods and sub-periods of related planets.

Vikas Jindal

Jyotish Acharya Vikas Ji can solve all major problems of human life like advising students for higher education, Birth Time Rectification, Problems in Married Life, Chart Matching, Profession and Name correction.

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