Different Orbs and their meaning

Orbs, formally called Spirit Orbs, are those semi-transparent white balls seen floating around in many photographs taken in ghostly locations. Orbs are among the class of paranormal phenomena that are visible only to cameras, and not to the naked eye. The usual hypothesis presented by believers is that orbs represent spirits of dead people, though some support variations on that.

Orbs most often appear on camera when a piece of airborne dust, an insect, or a water droplet is close to the camera, outside of the depth of field, and the flash source is no more than a few degrees away from the axis of the camera lens. This causes the object to be brightly light but way out of focus, resulting in a semi-transparent whitish circle. If the flash or other light source is significantly off of the axis of the lens, you won’t get nearly as much light reflected right straight back to the camera. If the object is within the depth of field it will be in focus and generally very small, and probably not noticeable. If the object is not very close to the camera, again it won’t pick up enough light from the flash.

If they are paranormal, the color of orbs may relate to energy colors, so you can find the meaning in the colors associated with various types of energy. There are many theories about what different orb colors mean, with many colors potentially meaning a variety of things.

One theory of orb meanings for different colors is that spirits are manifesting in the best way they can. In these cases, the colors may have no meaning at all, or a spirit could be trying to communicate something with the color. Use your own feelings as a barometer to see what you believe the orb and its color means to you. If you’re still looking for guidance, some common interpretations follow.

Clear Orbs

Clear orbs may be a sign an entity is trying to communicate with you. The spirit may be trying to let the living know that some kind of significant event happened in that location and that the spirit wants help to move on.

White or Silver Orbs

Spiritually, white or silver is associated with spirituality and connection with a higher source. Some investigators believe orbs that are either white or silver in appearance are an indication that a spirit is trapped on this plane. It may also be a sign the spirit is there to offer protection to the people in the area. White energy is typically perceived as highly positive in nature.

Black or Brown Orbs

Spiritually, many feel black or brown colors are associated with lower spiritual vibrations or heavy energy. Some people interpret this as evil although it isn’t necessarily the case. When black or brown orbs appear, some investigators interpret them as a sign the area may be unsafe or negative in nature. Examine such a place with caution, and if you feel uncomfortable or unsafe, leave.

Red or Orange Orbs

From a spiritual perspective, red and orange colors are associated with safety and security, as well as a sense of belonging. While these warm colors are often associated with strong emotions, such as anger and passion, this may not be the case when it comes to ghost orbs. Some paranormal investigators believe a red or orange orb is a sign that an entity has assumed the role of a protector. This could be someone who was charged in life to keep watch or be a caretaker.

Green Orbs

In spiritual practice, green is associated with the heart. It is also associated with nature. Green orbs are sometimes thought to be an indication of the presence of a human spirit as opposed to one that was never on Earth in human form. Likewise, green orbs may represent love or oneness with nature.

Blue Orbs

Blue is spiritually associated with psychic energy and truth. It is a very calming color, and many people associate it with spiritual guidance. Some people feel blue orbs are a sign of a calming presence or energy while others feel they indicate the presence of a spirit guide in that location.

Gray or Smoky Orbs

Gray may indicate depression or spiritual lack, or it may represent fear or ambivalence. If you see an orb that’s this color, it may indicate the presence of a depressed spiritual entity, or an entity lacking in spiritual awareness. Smoke, like the color gray, may indicate confusion or trouble.

Pink Orbs

It is a common belief that pink orbs are messengers of love. This can be universal love, such as the spiritual love of an ascended master, guide, teacher or archangel. It can also be a more specific love, such as the love of a deceased family member who takes on the mantle of a spirit orb to say they are still with you. Whoever the messenger is, a pink orb brings the message of encouragement, hope, peace and, always, love.

Vikas Jindal

Jyotish Acharya Vikas Ji can solve all major problems of human life like advising students for higher education, Birth Time Rectification, Problems in Married Life, Chart Matching, Profession and Name correction.

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