Masik Shivratri 2021

The Shivaratri vrata is a very powerful and auspicious vratham that is dedicated to the Supreme Lord Shiva. The greatness of this vrata is mentioned in the all the major Hindu puranas. The Skandha Purana especially provides all the details and other information for observing the Shivaratri vrata. There are four main Shivaratris mentioned in the Skandha Purana. The Nitya Shivaratri is the first one that is observed daily, that is, every night.

The next one is called Masa Shivaratri and is observed every month on the Chaturdasi (14th day) of the Krishna Paksha (the waning or diminishing phase of the moon). The Maga Shivaratri is then the third one and is observed for a period of thirteen days in the Hindu month of Maga. It starts from the prathama (first) titi and ends on the Chaturdasi (fourteenth) night when Lord Shiva is worshipped for the whole night. The fourth Shivaratri is the main and is called Maha Shivaratri. It is observed on the Chaturdasi (14th day) of the Krishna Paksha (the waning phase of the moon) in the month of Maga. The Maha Shivaratri is observed in major parts of the country and is celebrated in a grandeur manner.

Masik Shivaratri Date in 2021: March 11 Thursday

As per the Hindu mythology, the observer of the Shivaratri vrata gets the power to conquer the two natural forces that trouble the human form, namely the ‘tamas’ guna and ‘rajas’ guna. While spending the day meditating about Lord Shiva, the devotees get better control over the ill emotions like jealousy, covetousness, and anger. For the ardent disciples of Lord Shiva, observing the Shivaratri vrata is more equal or even more auspicious than performing the powerful Ashwamedha Yagna. It is also believed that a person, who observes the Maha Shivaratri vrata with full discipline and sincerity, would be absolved for all their sins. They ultimately get united with the supreme power and live happily in the abode of Lord Shiva. Such a devotee is also set free from the repeated cycle of birth and death.

Vikas Jindal

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