Sun in Leo

Sun is in its own sign when placed in Leo. It is a fiery masculine energy and Leo is also a fixed fire sign. When this placement exists in a horoscope, the native is likely to be of a kinglike stature. Such a person tends to be a courageous being, a destroyer of the enemies. Native always wins the competition. Sun in Leo also gives strong aggressive instincts and at times, such natives can also become selfish and egoistic. People with this position of Sun have strong leadership qualities. Their appearance is also bright and strong, with a regal air to it. Their personality is valorous, like knight in the shining armor. They are fond of spending time outdoors, especially wandering in the forests, hills and castles.

These natives indulge in noble acts and are revolutionary in nature. They always stand by the ideas and beliefs that they support. They tend to earn a lot of wealth and fame in life. They especially do very well in areas related to government or administration. They have a strong and resolute thinking with a strong sense of right and wrong. Sun in Leo also gives an inclination towards non-vegetarian food. These natives have the ability to talk endlessly. In fact, they can keep a group of people hooked to their conversation for quite a long while.

If the Sun in the horoscope of a person is in Leo that person is the embodiment of self-consciousness. Leos are always on the throne, even if they are working as shoemakers. They always feel like they are the center of attention, even if in fact they are not. Even the most timid of them believe that they make the great impression. They are proud, strong and calm, even if they feel uncertain about something.

Leos always require a lot of attention, everyone should listen to them.They like to be honored and sometimes they simply buy that honor by the rich feast. They are always generous, but never forget themselves. It looks like they do everything independently. The self-confidence of Leo is mesmerizing surroundings. There should always be someone who worships them, otherwise they will develop a sense of uselessness and even become cruel (although it would not be shown).

They are brave and love to enjoy life. They do not like to work, but their laziness is majestic. Their pride is pronounced, they may forgive resentment, but they will never forget. Can not tolerate criticism, but have a sense of humor. In life, Leos are always trying to occupy a high position, at least once.Leos prefer those professions, where they can manage (Leo has an organizational talent and knows how to make people work).Work related to accuracy is not for them, or they must necessarily have an adjutant. At the business meetings Leos are magnanimous and generous. They are easily subordinated in small things.

With their subordinates Leos are generous, they are usually easy to move in their career. They never bow before the authorities, keeping themselves on an equal footing, and even making clear that they are above.They are ambitious, although it is not connected with the work done, but with the position. They like to be on public, they like to shine and do it better than others. No one can take “Place in the Sun” away from Leo, no one can keep Leo in the cage, because at the first opportunity Leos will attack those, who put them in prison.

Vikas Jindal

Jyotish Acharya Vikas Ji can solve all major problems of human life like advising students for higher education, Birth Time Rectification, Problems in Married Life, Chart Matching, Profession and Name correction.

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