The personality of people born under Ashwini Nakshatra & Bharani Nakshatra

As per the basics of Indian astrology, it is believed that the life of a person operates according to the planetary constellations which took place during the person’s birth. Good or bad, both times can be judged on the basis of studying one’s horoscope. When a person is born, his/her horoscope is determined based on the planets and constellations/Nakshatras present at that moment. Those planets and Nakshatras leave their own influence on a person’s life and accordingly the direction of one’s life is decided.

The people born in the Ashwini Nakshatra have a beautiful appearance and an attractive structure. Such people are good looking with big eyes, wide foreheads. They are rich and also quite fortunate. Such a person acquires all kinds of properties, gets satisfaction from women, jewelry and daughter-in-law.

The person born in Ashwini Nakshatra generally is of the zodiac sign Aries and the birth and their zodiac lords happen to be Ketu and Mars. According to the Parashar Granth, it is said that a person who has an inauspicious Mars and Ketu in their horoscope, does not generally get anxious, angry, get into conflicts with elder brothers or suffer from diseases.

The natives born under Bharani Nakshatra have their zodiac sign Taurus, their zodiac lord is Venus and their Nakshatra lord is the Moon. In this way, you get to see the effect of Mars and Venus throughout your life. While Mars gives energy, courage, and ambition, Venus is the significator of art, beauty, wealth, and passion. Being born in Bharani Nakshatra, the native happens to be a true plaintiff, gets associated with good ideas, is committed, diseaseless, interested in religious works, courageous, inspirational, is into painting, and also takes interest in photography. Such an individual never moves past their goals.

Vikas Jindal

Jyotish Acharya Vikas Ji can solve all major problems of human life like advising students for higher education, Birth Time Rectification, Problems in Married Life, Chart Matching, Profession and Name correction.

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